Friday, June 12, 2020

National Strike

National strike, General strike
Call it whatever a thing you might like
Society’s getting poorer each day
Poorer in  figur’tive and lit’ral ways
And for tools to change it, we’re almost bereft
I’m dearly afraid we have but one left
We’ve got to hit hard in the one place it hurts
If ever to give out and get just desserts
Though it may seem drastic, nothing works like
National strike. National strike

The system is rigged. That's established fact
Elections are tilted, the courts are all stacked
Wealth buys power. Simple enough for ya?
We see it before us. It’s not paranoia
And it’s wrong. No denying. It’s foul and it’s strange
But from inside the system the system won’t change
We must force the rulers who rule to amend it
By using the only leverage that can bend it.
Violence won’t work. Don’t need heads on pikes
National strike. National strike.

80 percent want background checks
Can’t get that done
60 percent want a green new deal
Can’t get that done
Two-thirds want to vote by mail
Can’t get that done
The problem with democracy?
We don’t have one

Protests are fine Protests are great
Something to do when we all get irate
But when media’s run by Billionaire jerks
The narrative’s sidelined and they just don’t work
They can always deflect to get back to the norm
As long as Fox News has it’s well-heeled platform
The Truth is our ally in this class war
But they’ve made sure there isn’t Truth anymore
Until we at least get a turn at the mic
National strike. National strike.

This won’t get solved by folks out in the streets
Or timely facebook posts nor viral tweets
Or angry op-eds or vocal objections
Or blog posts or Insta or Zoom comment sections 
This will get solved only once we take ‘way
The thing we still hold that still holds any sway
The only thing the ruling class cares about
Their making of wealth in obscene amounts
Sometimes you must take away the addict’s pipe
National strike. National strike.

We’ll never outspend them, never out sway them
That’s not a thing we can do
But our labor they need. They live on our backs.
When we kneel, they have to kneel too.

In a more perfect world, with a more perfect we
Democracy fixes it all One two three.
But the system’s corrupted in way that’s not funny
Pols don’t chase votes anymore, they chase money
And money, my colleagues, my homies, my friends
There ain’t much of that to be found on our end
So with a system so brutal corrupted
The labor supply needs to be interrupted
With the one thing our overlords really dislike

National strike. National strike!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Trump is an Alien

When it finally comes out that Trump is and always was an alien from outer space sent down to destroy humanity from within, we’re all gonna feel pretty stupid. I mean, the dude is bright orange for crying out loud! It’s gonna be quite the head slapper. We really should have seen that coming.

He’s not even that good a simulation of a human being, right? That simulation is flawed. They messed up the software. He’s clearly still in beta testing, but they rolled him out anyway and 44% of us fell for it.

Would you really be surprised if he was just what an alien thinks a human being is sort of like? “I don’t know. Humans talk about how great they are all the time don’t they? They aren’t capable of compassion are they? Because programming compassion would take a lot of time and 2016 is right around the corner… Tell you what, we’ll give him spite, vanity and vengeance as far as emotions go, but nothing complex. Tight skedj here!”

The fuckers didn’t even bother making him a NATURAL HUMAN COLOR! And we (well, 44% of we...) bought it.

And he’s working out perfectly for them. He’s warming up the planet to just the temperature they want. “It’s all a Venusian… I mean a Chinese hoax!” He’s got everyone mistrusting everyone by race, ethnicity, and population density. Divide and conquer. No way humanity is rising up Independence Day style. Nope. He ain’t no Bill Pullman. (I would totally swap Bill Pullman for him right now, no questions asked. Straight up trade today, no backsies.)

It is the perfect blueprint for taking over another planet, if we ever get to that level of advancement. (Which thanks to Trump and his fear of science, we likely never will now.) 5 easy steps:

1. Install a “leader” in the planet’s most powerful country.
2. Lie 18,000 times in 3 years.
3. Let him work his orange magic teaching that the only way forward is to hate, fear and divide.
4. Make sure he never wears a tan suit. Oh the scandal! The scandal!
5. Make Pluto Great Again!

We’ll have them drinking bleach in no time.

Sunday, April 05, 2020

They Drown

New poem:

There’s a child in a pool
Water it can be so cruel
See him there, for the third time, he’s going down
Oh he’s not doing well
So he’s raising holy hell
And while you ask, “Why’s he screaming?”
He drowns.
While you ask, “Why’s he screaming?”
He drowns.

There are people on a boat
Trying hard to stay afloat
It’s aflame and taking water all around
They send up an SOS
Reasons for which you can guess
And while you ask “Why are they screaming?”
They drown
While you ask, “Why’s he screaming?”
They drown.

It always seems quite telling
That we fixate on the yelling
And we never seem to ask why that’s the case
Folks scream out that they’re boned
All we’re concerned with is the tone
And that there is our national disgrace

See the frogs in the hot water
How we tell them that they oughta
Get out of there, their situation stinks
But they boil and they choke
They quite literally croak
We ask “Why the screaming?” as
Their precious species go extinct.

It isn’t so heroic
To think yourself quite stoic
And cop a laissez faire attitude
To watch them desperate trying 
Then tell them “while you’re dying,
Could you please spare us all the drama there dudes?”

As The ocean levels rise
To absolutely none’s surprise
And many of us see what’s going down
Because we’re going under
Lord, we raise a royal thunder
And while you say “Why are they screaming?”
We all drown.
While you say “Why the screaming?”
We all drown.
While you say “Why are they screaming?”
Everybody drowns