Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Ove Song

D Dsus2 A
I went to pen a song for you but I accidentay
D Dsus2 A
Knocked my cup of coffee over and spied iquid on the keys
My aptop was totay fried but eventuy it mosty got better
And now it functions reasonabby fine with the exception of one important etter
D Dsus2
As for how my songwriting went
Obviousy not to we
D Dsus2 A
I tried to write you a ove song but my typewriter doesn’t have a
D Dsus2

It’s a most pequeiar probem I gotta talk with my computer wiz
I can’t even type the etter that I can’t type to te you what the etter even is
You can see it's causin' me endess troube and strife
I can't say how you’re my uscious itte ady who’s the ever ovin’ ight of my ife
There are otsa otsa otsa ines that I’m not sure that I ever get to te
I wanna write you a ove song but my typewriter doesn’t have a…

Tra a a a a a a a ah.
Tha a a a a a a a ah

C’mon. Sing a ong. A of you!
Now just the gentemen! Now just the adies!
Now a together!

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