Wednesday, March 15, 2023



You think you're one hip asshole keeping up on all the terms

Watching Fox and Gutfeld like the best behaved of worms

And I’ve been watching with you. I’ve listened and I’ve heard
That you oh too clever fuckwads have a new four letter word!!
A word you love to use so much you say time and again
A new word and you’re lucky this one doesn’t start with “N”
You use it like a new confederate flag you just unfurled
As the cause of all your fear and perceived evils in the world
It’s now become the trite answer to each and every question
Like “why do I not have a job” and “What’s this indigestion?”
It’s become your newest thing, your purpose, mission, cause
It’s all your hack comedians have to get their cheap applause
You use it in your politics, you use it in your jokes
-Yeah it’s your brand new buzz word.
Let’s all say it, “Woke!
You say that you are not it, as if that’s a source of pride
And you’re so glad not to use it like those on the correct side
Well, about that, I got bad news that you’re really gonna hate
Cuz I gotta remind you we’re no longer in two thousand eight
And vocabul’ry has moved on. It’s gonna make you sore
But nobody says “Woke” except racists anymore…
Nope. Nobody says Woke except for racists anymore…
It started out a novel word with lots of good intent
A way to try and tell a bunch of bigots to get bent
The term was ‘sposed to designate the too few human b’ings
Who read the room and realize that race is still a thing
But now it’s all gone sideways and gone so darned obtuse
That being “Anti-woke’s” become some grandiose excuse
For all of Trump’s ol’ rabid basket of deplor'ble minions
To hold on to their vilest fears and least informed opinions
And claim that they’re not racist, no, they’re never racist, nope
They’re somehow being ANTI-racist being anti-woke
And since they’re anti-woke we get to hear them sleep and snore
Nobody says “Woke” except racists anymore…
No. Nobody says “Woke” except racists anymore…
I wish that I could blame my jokes
Bein’ not funny on the “woke”
And it’s my slant being attacked
And not that I’m a soulless hack
And if the writing gets too hard
Just blame ‘wokeness” like Bill Maher
But I can’t use that tired basis
Because I’m sadly just not racist
And it would be total absurd
To blame my failure on a word
That I can't use, I'm not allowed
For only racists use it now...
Don’t you blame your lack of effort or your tired schtick
Don’t you blame it makes you come across a total dick
Don’t you blame material that’s best be called “meh, fine”
Don’t blame never bothering to have a damned punch line
Don’t blame the fact your jokes are old and stale and are just duds
Just say folks are "too woke" and resume slurping your own pud
Then die hard with your two bland minutes at the Com’dy store
Nobody says Woke except racists anymore
Nobody says Woke except racists anymore
Sad that that poor Word “Woke” has become the hue and cry
Of folks who kind of like it when the cops beat a black guy
It was folly, I now think, trying to define
People as “woke” simply ‘cause they’re thoughtful, brave and kind
All it did was give ammunition and buck shot
Against aforesaid people by those decidedly… not
The snoozers who ran with it and per usual stole the game
Because that’s really all they got ya' know is calling people names
And since they used it all up and now seldom is heard
Their tired and true old favorite, you know, the N-word
They’ve taken the poor “woke” word, which really should mean “nice”
And made it their favorite new dog-whistling device
And so it has become sadly one that we need ignore.
‘Cuz nobody says “Woke” except racists anymore…
Sigh. Nobody says “Woke” except racists anymore…

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